Simple MAchines
Research your simple machine. (presentation will be 9/29-30)
You will need to make a
Digital portfolio (wikispaces) (put your names on it)
Presentation (PP, prezzi, or video must be included in the wiki)
All of your information (presentation and blueprint) should be up on your wiki page.
When you present you must have an example of the simple machine that matches your blueprint (it can be made by hand or you can bring in an example)
You will need to make a
Digital portfolio (wikispaces) (put your names on it)
- You must make a wiki that explains your machine.
- How it works
- What purpose is it used for.
- Pictures must be included
- Citation needed. (3 minimum)
Presentation (PP, prezzi, or video must be included in the wiki)
- How does this device work.
- What is it used for?
- Why should I use it?(sell me your device)
- You must bring in an example to showcase
- (3-4 min)
All of your information (presentation and blueprint) should be up on your wiki page.
When you present you must have an example of the simple machine that matches your blueprint (it can be made by hand or you can bring in an example)